塑钢瓦安装 |
添加时间:2019/12/26 13:58:00 浏览次数: |
塑钢瓦安装 Plastic steel tile installation 1).塑钢瓦不宜直接覆盖在保温材料上使用 1) Plastic steel tile should not be directly covered on the insulation material 2).施工安全 2) . construction safety 为保证人身安全,施工中应使用梯子或者其他合乎要求的设施。 In order to ensure personal safety, ladders or other qualified facilities shall be used during construction. 安装过程中不能踩在两根檩条之间。 Do not step between two purlins during installation. 在﹣5℃以下的气温条件下及雨雪等湿滑天气不宜进行安装作业。 It is not suitable to carry out installation work under the temperature below - 5 ℃ and wet and slippery weather such as rain and snow. 3).设计要求 3) . design requirements 屋面瓦系列、墙体板系列、免拆及吊顶系列适用屋架高跨比介于1:5﹣1:6之间,每种瓦应严格按照要求的檩条间距进行施工。 Roof tile series, wall panel series, non detachable and ceiling series are applicable to roof truss with height span ratio between 1:5-1:6. Each tile shall be constructed in strict accordance with the required purlin spacing. 4).施工方式 4) . construction method (1).搭接 (1) lap. 波浪瓦系列搭接两个瓦波、屋面瓦、墙体板、免拆、吊顶系列均搭接一个瓦波;长度搭接(纵向搭接)不能小于100㎜。 The wave tile series shall be overlapped with two tiles, roof tiles, wall panels, non detachable tiles, and ceiling series with one tile; the length overlap (longitudinal overlap) shall not be less than 100mm. (2).固定 (2) fixed. 屋面瓦、墙体板、免拆及吊顶系列可使用本公司提供的专业钩件固定,也可使用自攻丝固定。 Roof tiles, wall panels, non detachable and ceiling series can be fixed by professional hooks provided by the company, or by self tapping. 波浪瓦系列必须使用本公司提供的专业钩件固定,不允许使木檩条使用本公司提供的专用木钉固定。 The wave tile series must be fixed with the professional hook provided by the company, and it is not allowed to fix the wooden purlin with the special wooden nail provided by the company. 每根檩条、每张瓦需均匀安装两套配件,配件必须固定在波峰上。 Two sets of accessories shall be installed evenly for each purlin and each tile, and the accessories must be fixed on the wave crest. 瓦的纵向边缘处,没个波峰都要用配件固定在檩条上,在风大地区需辅助加固措施。 At the longitudinal edge of the tile, every wave crest shall be fixed on the purlin with accessories, and auxiliary reinforcement measures shall be taken in windy areas. |
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