水泥砖施工时应充分喷水 |
添加时间:2019/12/21 13:27:38 浏览次数: |
水泥砖是指利用粉煤灰、煤渣、煤矸石、尾矿渣、化工渣或者天然砂、海涂泥等(以上原料的一种或数种)作为主要原料,用水泥做凝固剂,不经高温煅烧而制造的一种新型墙体材料称之为水泥砖。 Cement brick refers to a new type of wall material, which is made of fly ash, cinder, gangue, tailing slag, chemical slag, natural sand, sea mud and so on (one or several of the above raw materials) as the main raw materials, using cement as coagulant and without high temperature calcination. 水泥砖自重较轻,强度较高,无须烧制,用电厂的污染物粉煤灰做材料,比较环保,国家已经在大力推广。此类砌块唯一缺点就是与抹面砂浆结合不如红砖,容易在墙面产生裂缝,影响美观。施工时应充分喷水,要求较高的别墅类可考虑满墙挂钢丝网,可以有效防止裂缝。 The self weight of cement brick is light and its strength is high, so it does not need to be fired. The pollutant fly ash of the power plant is used as the material, which is more environmentally friendly, and has been vigorously promoted by the state. The only disadvantage of this kind of block is that the combination with plastering mortar is not as good as red brick, which is easy to produce cracks on the wall surface and affects the appearance. During the construction, the water shall be sprayed fully. For villas with high requirements, steel wire mesh shall be hung on the full wall to effectively prevent cracks. |
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