彩色玻纤瓦性能 |
添加时间:2020/1/3 13:49:50 浏览次数: |
彩色玻纤瓦性能 Performance of colored glass fiber tile 全天侯性 All day weather 可抵抗御光照、冷热、雨水与寒冬等多种气侯因素引起的侵蚀。 It can resist the erosion caused by many weather factors, such as sunlight, heat, rain and cold winter. 保温隔热性 Thermal insulation 彩色玻纤瓦屋面的导热系数低,阻断了热量在夏天由内向外的传导,在冬天也有效阻断了由内向外的热散失,而且能有效吸收雨滴撞击等环境噪声,能保证顶层住户的安静生活。 The low thermal conductivity of the colored glass fiber tile roof blocks the heat conduction from inside to outside in summer and from inside to outside in winter. It can also effectively absorb the environmental noise such as rain drop impact and ensure the quiet life of the top floor residents. 防尘自洁性 Dustproof and self-cleaning 紴纤瓦屋面不易积灰尘而形成明显的污斑,在长期的雨季使用也不会积留水渍,且经雨水冲刷后,屋面会更加洁净亮丽。 The fiber tile roof is not easy to accumulate dust and form obvious stains, and it will not accumulate water stains after long-term use in rainy season, and the roof will be more clean and bright after rain washing. 美感和谐 Aesthetic harmony 融合多数建筑风格,玻纤瓦提供了一系列色彩选择,能不满足不同审美情趣的需求。同时玻纤瓦的颜色可以用来配衬其他建筑材料的自然色,如砖或石墙、涂料和外墙挂板等的颜色,从而使环境变得更加和谐美观。 Integrating most architectural styles, Fiberglass tile provides a series of color choices, which can not meet the needs of different aesthetic tastes. At the same time, the color of glass fiber tile can be used to match the natural color of other building materials, such as brick or stone wall, paint and external wall hanging board, so as to make the environment more harmonious and beautiful. |
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