烧结空心砖基本要点 |
添加时间:2020/8/6 16:10:28 浏览次数: |
烧结空心砖基本要点 Basic points of fired hollow brick (1)空心砖常温下砌筑应提前1-1.5d浇水湿润,如果临时浇水,则砖达不到规定湿度或砖表面存有水膜而影响砌体强度。砌筑时砖含水率宜控制在10%-15%范围内(含水率以湿润后水重占干砖重量的百分数计)。 (1) Hollow brick masonry under normal temperature should be watered 1-1.5 days in advance. If temporary watering, the brick can not reach the required humidity or there is water film on the surface of the brick, which will affect the masonry strength. The moisture content of brick should be controlled in the range of 10% - 15% (the moisture content is calculated by the percentage of water weight in dry brick weight after wetting). (2)空心砖砌筑墙体时一般平行地面。 (2) Hollow brick masonry wall is generally parallel to the ground. (3)墙砌至梁板底时,应留100-200㎜空隙,待填充墙砌筑完至少间隔7天后再进行斜顶补砌,将砂浆填实,或浇筑膨胀砼,防止梁板底出现裂缝。 (3) When the wall is built to the bottom of the beam and slab, a gap of 100-200 mm shall be left. After the completion of the filling wall masonry, the inclined top shall be repaired at least 7 days later, and the mortar shall be filled up or the expansion concrete shall be poured to prevent cracks at the bottom of the beam and slab. |
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