西班牙瓦安装方式 |
添加时间:2019/11/13 15:19:17 浏览次数: |
西班牙瓦安装方式 Installation of Spanish tiles 今天光阳瓦业小瓦向您分享西班牙瓦的安装方法,一定要仔细听,很专业很高深。这是国家级别的施工师傅总结的经验。。 Today, Guangyang tile tile small tile to share with you the installation of Spanish tile, we must listen carefully, very professional and deep. This is the experience summed up by the national level construction master. ☼ Came in 安装前应根据现场屋面情况进行放线,这样有助于安装瓦时达到横平竖直,保证安装质量及达到美观效果。 Before the installation, we should place the line according to the roof condition, so that it can help to install the tile level to the level and vertical, ensure the installation quality and achieve the beautiful effect. 两坡屋面主瓦安装时,一侧波峰中心与CC1(CC2)或DD1(DD2)线重合,主瓦上、下部都应与CD、AB线平行,并从一侧(CC1或DD1线)开始安装。 When the main tile of two slope roof is installed, the peak center of one side is coincided with CC1 (CC2) or DD1 (DD2) line. The upper and lower parts of the main tile should be parallel to the CD and AB lines and begin to be installed from one side (CC1 or DD1 line). 西班牙瓦 Spanish Watt ☼ Came in 第一张西班牙瓦的安装最为重要,一定要保证瓦底边与CC1(CC2)或DD1(DD2)线垂直不得倾斜,位置摆正后,在最下端檩条和瓦的中心位置(波峰)处将瓦固定。为防止单向搭接造成的倾斜和不平整现象,主瓦横向安装要一上、一下排列,即第二张瓦扣压第一张瓦和第三张瓦,第四张瓦扣压第三张和第五张瓦并各搭接一个瓦波,其余以此类推。 The installation of the first Spanish tile is the most important. It is necessary to ensure that the bottom edge of the tile is not inclined vertically with CC1 (CC2) or DD1 (DD2) line, and the tile is fixed at the center position of the lower purlin and tile at the center position (wave peak). In order to prevent the incline and unevenness caused by one way lap joint, the lateral installation of the main tile should be arranged in one up and up, that is, second tiles and third tiles, fourth tiles and third and fifth tiles each to join one Wa Bo, and the rest of the other. 安装过程中要随时检查瓦底边与施工线的垂直,确认无误后再将固定件安装齐全。纵向安装要搭接西班牙瓦的一个节长。 At any time during installation, check the vertical line of the tile bottom and the construction line at any time, confirm the correct parts and install the fixings. The longitudinal installation should take a section length of Spanish tile. |
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