陶土砖其实是粘土砖的一种 |
添加时间:2019/10/9 14:27:00 浏览次数: |
陶土砖其实是粘土砖的一种,主要以实心砖为主!是产品不断优化及传统技艺不断升级的产物。陶土砖通常采用优质粘土甚至紫砂陶土高温烧制,以天然粘土为主要成分,用石英、长石等为骨料,经过烧结后形成的土建砌墙砖。陶土砖的性质属于低温砖,烧成温度大概在800℃左右,吸水率较高,一般吸水率在8%--10%。 Ceramic brick is actually a kind of clay brick, mainly solid brick! It is the product of continuous optimization of products and upgrading of traditional skills. Ceramic brick is usually fired at high temperature with high quality clay or even purple sand ceramics. Natural clay is the main component, quartz, feldspar and other aggregates are used as aggregates to form civil wall bricks after sintering. Ceramic bricks are low-temperature bricks. The firing temperature is about 800 C. The water absorption rate is high, and the water absorption rate is generally between 8% and 10%. |
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