陶土砖吸音作用 |
添加时间:2019/9/4 15:31:19 浏览次数: |
陶土砖吸音作用 Sound Absorption of Ceramic Bricks 由于陶砖通体富含大量均匀细密的开放性气孔,故能将声波全部或部分折射出去,起到室外降低噪音,室内消除回音的效果,是创造城市优良居住环境的绝佳材料。 Pottery brick masonry is rich in a large number of uniform and fine open air holes, so it can refract all or part of the sound wave to reduce noise outdoors and eliminate echoes indoors. It is an excellent material to create a good living environment in the city. 透气性透水性 Air permeability and water permeability 陶砖透气、透水的优越性在绿色文明的今天得到充分的展示,其古朴的韵味与自然景观相融合,体现了人与自然的和谐对话。 The superiority of air permeability and water permeability of pottery brick has been fully demonstrated in today's green civilization. Its primitive charm and natural landscape are integrated, reflecting the harmonious dialogue between man and nature. 耐腐蚀性 Corrosion resistance 随着工业污染的加重,雨水中的酸性一天天在增加,很多建筑材料因为无法接受这个考验而被淘汰。纯天然的加工工序使得陶砖本身只含有少量的化学杂质,其内部结构也不易受到酸雨的影响,陶土抗碱腐蚀性的特性更的其他材料无法与之相比的。 With the aggravation of industrial pollution, the acidity of rainwater is increasing day by day. Many building materials are eliminated because they can not accept the test. Pure natural processing process makes the ceramic brick itself contain only a small amount of chemical impurities, and its internal structure is not susceptible to acid rain. Other materials with more alkali corrosion resistance of the ceramic clay can not be compared with it. |
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