8孔水泥砖墙体裂缝原因 |
添加时间:2018/8/18 17:07:15 浏览次数: |
8孔水泥砖墙体裂缝原因 Causes of cracks in 8 hole cement brick walls 一、混凝土小型空心砌块裂缝产生的原因 Reasons for cracks in small concrete hollow blocks (一)混凝土小型空心砌块裂缝主要表现有: (1) cracks in small concrete hollow block mainly include: 1、墙体与框架柱、梁间的裂缝; 1. Cracks between walls and frame columns and beams. 2、砌块间产生的垂直裂缝; 2. Vertical cracks between blocks. 3、墙体产生的深度斜裂缝; 3. Deep diagonal cracks produced by walls. 4、小范围产生的不规则的裂缝; 4, irregular cracks in small areas; 5、门窗洞口拐角处的斜裂缝。 5. Oblique cracks on the corner of doors and windows. (二)混凝土小型空心砌块裂缝产生的原因分以下三点: (two) the causes of cracks in small concrete hollow blocks are divided into three points: 1、 材料本身的原因 1, the reasons for the material itself (1)混凝土砌块的质量:混凝土的收缩与所使用的材料、配合比、生产环境、养护环境、龄期、外加剂以及构件的形状的尺寸等有关。其中,龄期的影响最大,龄期越长,收缩变形越缓慢。实践证明,在龄期一个月时,其收缩变形可完成最终收缩变形的50%~60%,因此,规范明确规定“施工时所用的小砌块的产品龄期不应小于28d”。由于目前建设规模大,工期短,任务急,对砌块的需求量大,而砌块生产企业规模相对较小,管理不够健全,这就导致不足龄期的砌块即出厂使用到工程上。这些不足龄期的砌块砌筑的墙体会发生很大的干缩变形,即在相同温差条件下,混凝土空心砌块的变形要比粘土砖大两倍。再之,由于砌块的龄期短,强度低,在装卸和运输过程中很容易导致砌块缺棱角、裂缝甚至断裂,从而给砌体结构留下质量隐患,导致裂缝的产生。配合比对砌块的质量也有相当的影响,尤其对砌块的强度越低和收缩变形影响较大,水灰比越大,砌块的强度越低,收缩变形越大,砌体受温度变化的变形也就越大,墙体就越容易开裂。 (1) The quality of concrete blocks: the shrinkage of concrete is related to the materials used, mix ratio, production environment, maintenance environment, age, additives and the shape and size of components. Among them, the influence of age is the biggest, and the longer the age, the slower the shrinkage deformation. Practice has proved that the shrinkage deformation can complete 50%-60% of the final shrinkage deformation when the age is one month. Therefore, the code clearly stipulates that "the product age of the small block used in construction should not be less than 28 days". At present, the construction scale is large, the construction period is short, the task is urgent, the demand for blocks is large, and the block production enterprises are relatively small, the management is not sound enough, which leads to the age of the block is used in the project factory. These under-age block masonry wall will have a large shrinkage deformation, that is, under the same temperature difference, the deformation of concrete hollow block than clay brick twice. Furthermore, due to the short age and low strength of the block, it is easy to lead to the lack of edges, cracks and even fracture of the block in the process of loading, unloading and transportation, thus leaving a hidden quality hazard to the masonry structure, resulting in cracks. Mix ratio also has a considerable impact on the quality of the block, especially on the lower strength and shrinkage deformation of the block, the greater the water cement ratio, the lower the strength of the block, the greater the shrinkage deformation, the greater the deformation of the masonry subject to temperature changes, the easier the wall cracking. (2)砌筑砂浆的质量:砌筑一面合格的墙体需要有合格的砌筑砂浆,砂浆的标号、和易性都会对墙体的质量产生较大的影响,标号低、和易性差的砂浆将会降低墙体的整体性能,削弱墙体的抗剪、拉和变形的能力,从而产生裂缝。混凝土空心砌块填充墙的砌筑砂浆强度等级一般为M5. (2) Quality of masonry mortar: A qualified wall requires qualified masonry mortar. The label and workability of mortar will have a greater impact on the quality of the wall. Low label and poor workability of mortar will reduce the overall performance of the wall, weaken the shear resistance, tensile and deformation capacity of the wall, resulting in cracks. Sew. The strength grade of masonry mortar for concrete hollow block infill walls is generally M5. |
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